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54,95 EUR
Figurine resin - Limited Edition 3000 "Grote Portie" - "Große Portion" - "Big Portion"
Height: 12.5 cm Width: - cmDepth: - cm
Material: Resin Production: Gilde Clowns Category: Clowns Design / Sculptor: Klaus Koenen Category: -Issued: 2024 (Mei)Edition: Limited 3000Product information: -
"Big portion"
An ice cream on hot daysis the greatest, you can say.Everyone likes to lickand discover new varieties.
The waffle ice cream with chocolate icingis a real treat.Super soft and crispy cool –It doesn't take much to be happy.
The ice quickly disappears,Palate and stomach completely ecstatic,Grandma comes to visit... and thenthere's the next big portion.
D. Bruns, 2024