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69,95 EUR
Figurine resin - Limited Edition 3000 ""Coole Socke"
Height: 14.5 cm Width: - cmDepth: - cm
Material: Resin Production: Gilde Clowns Category: Clowns Design / Sculptor: Klaus Koenen Category: -Issued: 2024 (Mei)Edition: Limited 3000Product information: -
“Cool socks”
On a beautiful sunny dayI go for a walk because I like it.Fresh air is always goodand helps acutely with stress.
Something is pinching your shoe?That doesn't leave me alone.I sit down and look –what is that exactly?
A stone under your toe,the sock through – oh dear!Get out of it, let's move oncompletely relaxed, without companions.
D. Bruns, 2024